Marketing Libraries Journal (MLJ) is a peer-reviewed, independently published, open access scholarly journal that focuses on innovative marketing activities libraries are engaged in.
Our aim is to publish research and practical examples of library marketing campaigns, library marketing research, public relations campaigns, SWOT analysis, segmentation research, assessment of marketing activities, and tools used for marketing. In addition to scholarly studies, the Journal also contains practical articles from columns on advocacy, branding, marketing campaigns, “from the trenches”, and technology tools. The Journal is published twice a year.
Call for Papers!
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Fall 2025)
Deadline for Submissions: rolling
Submit Scholarly manuscripts online
Submit Practical manuscripts online
Guidelines for Submissions
The editorial board seeks submissions in the following two categories:
1. Scholarly Articles (double blind peer reviewed) (20-25 pages): research-driven articles that aim to provide original scholarship in the field of library marketing, communications, and outreach.
2. Practical Articles (editorial and single-blind peer reviewed) (15-20 pages) : Practical articles are reflective and provide best practices and advice. Practical articles are written in a formal, academic tone (3rd person), contain a literature review, and may be published in the following columns below:
Section Columns
Advocacy: articles that focus on developing relationships with stakeholders to help raise awareness and loyalty for library services and resources. This may relate to communicating with government, administration, and the greater community
Book Reviews: provides a descriptive evaluation of the main themes of the book. Typically 1000-2000 words, they offer commentary and a critical analysis of the book’s subject matter.
Branding: articles that illustrate how libraries develop their visual identity for their services and resources.
Campaigns: case studies of a marketing campaign and the desired outcomes and objectives sought.
From the Trenches: articles that show outcomes of a particular marketing initiative or campaign.
Technology Tools: We invite authors to submit descriptions of particular tools or resources that help them in their marketing efforts. Reviews should be focused on library marketing, graphic design, public relations, social media promotion, and outreach. They should be written in a formal, academic tone. They should be unbiased and provide a critical analysis of the specific technology tool with comparisons to other technology tools.