Rethink, Reuse, Recycle: Turning an Existing Workshop into a Virtual Opportunity for Outreach and Engagement
Jason Wardell, Bridget Retzloff, and Joan Plungis, University of Dayton Libraries
Marketing Libraries Journal, volume 5, issue 2, pages 63-81.
Abstract: This case study of using a webinar series as a library marketing technique shares the process, communications, and assessment results from a well-attended online event, “Summer of Citations.” An in-person citation management software workshop for graduate students by librarians at a small midwestern private university served as a springboard for the series. Targeted to faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate honors students, the Zoom-based, 45-minute sessions covered a different product on each of three successive days. A common structure for each
presentation, along with the use of Springshare modules for registration and assessment, facilitated the event’s rapid production and easy replication.
Keywords: Outreach, web-based instruction, academic libraries, online workshop,
case study, COVID-19, Zoom
Citation to article:
Wardell, J., Retzloff, B., & Plungis, J. (2021). Rethink, Reuse, Recycle: Turning an Existing Workshop into a Virtual Opportunity for Outreach and Engagement. Marketing Libraries Journal, 5(2), 63-81.