Zooming Through Crisis: Navigating the Move to Online Programming
Alissa Droog, Northern Illinois University Libraries
Kimberly Shotick, Northern Illinois University Libraries
Kate Swope, Northern Illinois University Libraries
Wayne Finley, Northern Illinois University Libraries
Beth McGowan, Northern Illinois University Libraries
Sarah McHone-Chase, Phillips Library, Aurora University
Marketing Libraries Journal, volume 6, issue 1, pages 42-62.
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Abstract: When the COVID-19 pandemic stretched into the fall of 2020, the Programming and Promotions Committee of Northern Illinois University Libraries transformed its Research and Artistry Series from an in-person event to a virtual event. To do so, the Committee honed its technology skills by using software for Committee meetings, perfecting its use of document-sharing technologies, and standardizing its creation and dissemination of publicity. This behind-the-scenes learning involved experimentation with multiple platforms for the events themselves, including Adobe Connect, Zoom, and Zoom Webinar, some of which necessitated coordination with other University units. While the Committee anticipated such coordination would lessen its work to host events, it soon found that in-house production was easier than coordination. This article recounts the decision-making process of involved librarians, noting successes and pitfalls.
Keywords: COVID-19, academic libraries, virtual programming, Zoom, faculty outreach
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Citation to article:
Droog, A., Shotick, K., Swope, K., Finley, W., McGowan, B., & McHone-Chase, S. (2022). Zooming Through Crisis: Navigating the Move to Online Programming. Marketing Libraries Journal, 6(1), 42-62. Retrieved from https://journal.marketinglibraries.org/summer2022/04_MLJv6i1.pdf |