A Library, a Tailgate, and a Tornado: Outreach Strategies amidst Upheaval
Kimberly Westbrooks, Jacksonville State University
Charlcie Pettway Vann, Jacksonville State University
Paula Barnett-Ellis, Jacksonville State University
Marketing Libraries Journal, volume 4, issue 1, pages 107-133.
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Abstract: The annual library tailgate event held at a medium-sized academic university library at Jacksonville State University welcomes students, faculty, staff, and community members with the purpose of increasing their comfort and familiarity with the library. The tailgate draws on school spirit to facilitate stronger connections across campus. The event includes activities to highlight the library’s information access points in a relaxed atmosphere. The tailgate has taken many forms based on logistics and student feedback. Despite a tornado that devastated the majority of the campus in March 2018, the library tailgate has continued to evolve by accommodating space constraints and safety issues caused by construction.
Citation to article:
Westbrooks, K., Vann, C.P., & Barnett-Ellis, P. (2020). A Library, a Tailgate, and a Tornado: Outreach Strategies amidst Upheaval. Marketing Libraries Journal, 4(1), 107-133. Retrieved from https://journal.marketinglibraries.org/april2020/07_MLJv4i1_Feature_Westbrooks_ann_Barnett-Ellis.pdf
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