Table of Contents |
Letter from the Editor Mark Aaron Polger, College of Staten Island, CUNY abstract and bibliographic details |
1 | permalink) ( | |
Columns (peer reviewed) | |||
People-First Promotion: Rallying Library Workers during COVID-19 and Beyond Katy Kelly,University of Dayton Libraries |
4 | (permalink) |
Rebuilding ORCID Campus Outreach During a Pandemic Christina M. Miskey, University of Nevada, Las Vegas |
18 | (permalink) |
From the Trenches
Developing a Curbside Pickup Scheduling Tool on the Fly Using Springshare’s LibCal Laureen P. Cantwell, Colorado Mesa University |
42 | (permalink) |
“But How Will We Know If It’s Working?”: Measuring Effectiveness of Virtual Library Communications in Response to COVID-19
Zachary Osborne, Library Services, Unity Health Toronto Kaitlyn Merriman, Library Services, Unity Health Toronto |
67 | ||
Shifting our Final Exams Week Program Online: A Case Study at Claremont Colleges Library
Kirsten Hansen, The Claremont Colleges Library |
85 | (permalink) | |
Quick Pivots: Maintaining an Agile Approach to Outreach During an Evolving Crisis
Holly Surbaugh, University of New Mexico Libraries |
108 | ||
Virtually (im)Possible: Transitioning to a Virtual Marketing and Outreach Program
Laura Wilson, College of the Holy Cross |
128 | ||
Featured Article (double blind peer reviewed) Staying Connected: Tools and Best Practices for Marketing and Outreach in an Online Environment
Lisa Martin, University of Houston Libraries |
147 | Download PDF (permalink) | |
Column Editors for this issue: * denotes guest column editors Advocacy
Bridget Barry Thias, Medical Library, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, Dallas, TX Campaigns Nicole Eva*, Liaison Librarian, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada From the Trenches Dr. Priyanki Sinha, Deputy Librarian, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Emily Scharf *, Head of Reference and Instruction, Carleton College Northfield, MN Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem *, Librarian, College of Charleston Libraries, Charleston, SC Reviewers for this issue Ashley Biggs Production Team Project Manager for this issue Elisa Coghlan, Coordinator of Marketing and Outreach, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI Production Team Leaders Shira Atkinson, Reference Librarian, The Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, Quebec Canada Elisa Coghlan, Coordinator of Marketing and Outreach, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI Holly Flynn, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Barbie E. Keiser, Washington, DC Layout Editor Elisa Coghlan, Coordinator of Marketing and Outreach, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI Copy Editors for this issue Shira Atkinson Shira Atkinson