2, Issue 1 (Summer 2018)
of Contents |
the Editor-in-Chief
Mark Aaron Polger, College of Staten Island, CUNY abstract and bibliographic details |
1 |
Columns |
Advocacy |
Feedback as Outreach: Turning an Assessment Survey into a Marketing Opportunity
Fred Folmer, Connecticut College
abstract and bibliographic details
4 |
Download PDF |
Book Nook for All: How Library Partnerships Can Grow Advocacy
Jessica Crossfield McIntosh, Otterbein University
Kirsten Peninger, Otterbein University
abstract and bibliographic details
| 10
| Download PDF |
Branding |
A Disciplined Brand Approach to Marketing Libraries
Spenser Thompson, Golden Gate University
abstract and bibliographic details
Download PDF |
Campaigns |
Ask a Catbrarian: Marketing Library Services Using a Cat
Teagan Eastman, Utah State University Jennifer Saulnier, Loras College Kati Richardson, Highland School District
abstract and bibliographic details |
24 |
Developing Marketing Strategies for Public Libraries
Monica Sanchez, Anaheim Public Library Chloe R. Van Stralendorff, Anaheim Public Library
abstract and bibliographic details
| 31 | Download
| Door to Door Outreach Campaign in Florida, NY
Madelyn Folino, Florida Public Library
abstract and bibliographic details
| 39
| Download
| Public Relations for Academic Libraries in the Digital Age
Doreen Siegfried, ZBW - German National Library for Economics
abstract and bibliographic details
| 46 | Download
From the Trenches |
Developing an Accessible and Inclusive Social Media Presence
Carli Spina, Boston College Libraries
abstract and bibliographic details |
53 |
Download PDF |
Creating a Communication Advisory Committee and New Marketing Tools
Tallie Casucci, University of Utah Donna Baluchi, University of Utah Peter Strohmeyer, University of Utah
abstract and bibliographic details
| 61 | Download PDF |
| Hooking your Audience: Tailored Instruction Marketing
Karen Doster-Greenleaf, Georgia State University Amy Stalker, Georgia State University
abstract and bibliographic details
| 67
| Download PDF |
| Librarians Connect to Self-Reflect: Collaboration Among Personal Librarian Coordinators at Different Institutions
Brooke Duffy, Sarah Lawrence College Lisa Thornell, Fairfield University Kelleen Maluski, Sarah Lawrence College
abstract and bibliographic details
| 75
| Download PDF |
| Creating a Marketing Plan with a Marketing Team of One
Carrie Girton, Miami University Hamilton
abstract and bibliographic details
| 81
| Download PDF |
| Send in the Crowds: Planning and Benefiting from Large-scale Academic Library Events
Michelle Demeter, Florida State University Rachel Besara, Missouri State University Gloria Colvin, Florida State University Bridgett Birmingham, Florida State University
abstract and bibliographic details
| 86
| Download PDF |
Technology |
Reinventing New Student Orientation with an Augmented Reality Scavenger Hunt
Matthew LaBrake, Berkeley College, Online Campus
Maria Deptula, Berkeley College, Paramus Campus
abstract and bibliographic details |
Campaigner: A High-Powered Email Marketing Application
Leah Townsend, NorQuest College
abstract and bibliographic details |
Article (double blind peer reviewed) |
Marketing Academic Library Usage: A Connecticut Case Study
Viviana Nicholas, Central Connecticut State University Renata
Vickrey, Central Connecticut State University
Carl Antonucci, Central
Connecticut State University
Ben Tyson, Central Connecticut State
abstract and bibliographic details
Reviewers for this issue |
| Heather Buchansky, University of Toronto Libraries
Lynné Colbert, Marian University, Indianapolis, Indiana
Nicole Eva, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge,
Alberta, Canada
Stephen Fadel, Academic Librarian, Marina, California
Nickolas Falk, Deputy City Clerk, Edmonds, Washington
Jessica Hagman, Ohio
University Libraries, Athens, Ohio
Beth Heldebrandt, Eastern Illinois
University, Charleston, Illinois
Barbie Keiser, Barbie E. Keiser, Inc., Washington, DC
Rebecca Metzger, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California
Robin O'Hanlon, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dawn (Nikki) Cannon Rech, Georgia Southern University, Stateboro, Georgia
Lydia Morrow Ruetten, Governors State University, University Park, Illinois
Column Editors for this issue
Advocacy Bridget Barry-Thias, Writer, Researcher, and Librarian
Branding Andrew Colgoni, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Campaigns Kerry McKee, Icahn
School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York
Mark Aaron Polger, College of Staten Island, CUNY, New York, New York
Guest Column Editors for this issue
Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services
Jonathan Dolce, Astor County Library, Astor, Florida
Bonnie Cohen Lafazan, Berkeley
College, Woodbridge,
New Jersey
Dawn (Nikki) Cannon Rech, Georgia Southern University, Stateboro, Georgia
Christopher Thiry, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado
Daniel Vinson, Mount Mary University, Milwaukee,
Production Team
Project Manager for this issue Shira
Atkinson, Information Analyst, Montreal, Canada
Layout Editors
Elisa Coghlan, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Mark Aaron Polger, College of Staten Island, CUNY
Copy Editors and Proof Readers Shira
Atkinson, Information Analyst, Montreal, Canada
Elisa Coghlan, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Holly Flynn, Michigan
State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Mark Aaron Polger, College of Staten Island, CUNY, New York, NY